Give It Up Part 1:  Lent

On Sunday 23rd February, we started our Up series.. You can listen to the talk by clicking here.

Once you have listened, here are some questions to consider:

1. What might you give up for Lent? If you haven’t started on time, just start now anyway!

2. In this talk, we considered the ideas of “giving up” both as sacrifice and submission. Think about what you might sacrifice for God, and where in your life you need to submit to Him.

3. Are there areas of your life in which you cling to your way, when you know it is contrary to Jesus’s way? What are those areas? Could Lent be a starting point for you to change this? Pray about this.

4. What things have you to be thankful to God for? List them in your mind and thank God for them.

5. Do you ever find yourself saying “I would do this…” or “I wish I could do that…” but resign yourself to the idea “… but I don’t have the time or energy.”?

6. What could you give up that would liberate your time and energy to do things that would build your relationship of love with God and with other people?

7. What might you empty out this Lent, and what might you pray God fills you/your time up with?

Simon Lace, 24/02/2020