Sunday Talks Blog 

In this area you can find links to our Sunday morning talks along with some questions to consider for each talk. We hope that you will find it helpful and use it for your own personal reflections or for discussion in a small group or with friends. You can find the talks on our YouTube channel here.


Psalms: Part 3 - 'Cries of Lament'

This Sunday, Simon Lace brings us the talk in the latest of our EBC services. We encourage you to reflect on the bible text and join us in the prayer that follows below.
Here are some questions to consider:


Psalm 38

A psalm of David, asking God to remember him.

1 O Lord, don’t rebuke me in your anger
    or discipline me in your rage!
2 Your arrows have struck deep,
    and your blows are crushing me.
3 Because of your anger, my whole body is sick;
    my health is broken because of my sins.
4 My guilt overwhelms me—
    it is a burden too heavy to bear.
5 My wounds fester and stink
    because of my foolish sins.
6 I am bent over and racked with pain.
    All day long I walk around filled with grief.
7 A raging fever burns within me,
    and my health is broken.
8 I am exhausted and completely crushed.
    My groans come from an anguished heart.
9 You know what I long for, Lord;
    you hear my every sigh.
10 My heart beats wildly, my strength fails,
    and I am going blind.
11 My loved ones and friends stay away, fearing my disease.
    Even my own family stands at a distance.
12 Meanwhile, my enemies lay traps to kill me.
    Those who wish me harm make plans to ruin me.
    All day long they plan their treachery.
13 But I am deaf to all their threats.
    I am silent before them as one who cannot speak.
14 I choose to hear nothing,
    and I make no reply.
15 For I am waiting for you, O Lord.
    You must answer for me, O Lord my God.
16 I prayed, “Don’t let my enemies gloat over me
    or rejoice at my downfall.”
17 I am on the verge of collapse,
    facing constant pain.
18 But I confess my sins;
    I am deeply sorry for what I have done.
19 I have many aggressive enemies;
    they hate me without reason.
20 They repay me evil for good
    and oppose me for pursuing good.
21 Do not abandon me, O Lord.
    Do not stand at a distance, my God.
22 Come quickly to help me,
    O Lord my saviour.

Prayer and Reflection:

Loving God, comfort us in our times of testing, trial and sorry. Hear our cries of lament, and of confession. Forgive us and deliver Lord, for you are faithful and kind, even when we are sinful and foolish. Redeem our times of pain and torment, make things whole and good again O God. We put our trust in You, Mighty God, for we know even in our pain that You love us and Your will for us is perfect, and that work through all things for good. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Questions to Consider

1. What are your habits of prayer? When do you pray, and do you pray alone or together?
2. Do you have a special “time and place” that you always go to for Bible reading, reflection and prayer?
3. Do you include prayers of confession? Do you ‘get it all out’ with God?
4. Is there any situation right now that you are struggling with? Have you taken it to God in honest lament, the way the psalmists did?
5. Have you close friends that you are able to share with and pray with?
6. How is your faith in God? Do you trust God, even if you don’t like the current situation?
7. How might your life right now be different if you prayed really honestly, then trusted God for the long term?



Previous Blogs

Give It Up Part 1: Lent
Questions and additional resources for Part 1 of our Up series.
Big Bad Wolf Part 3: The Heretic - Sincere and Wrong
Questions and additional resources for Part 3 of our Big Bag Wolf series.
Big Bad Wolf Part 1: The Deceiver - Insincere and Evil
Questions and additional resources for Part 1 of our Big Bag Wolf series.
January Detox Part 3: Detox your Living
Questions and additional resources for Part 3 of our January Detox series.
January Detox Part 1: Detox Your Thinking
Questions and additional resources for Part 1 of our January Detox series.
Christmas at the Movies Part 3: Arthur Christmas
Questions and additional resources for Part 3 of our Christmas at the Movies series.
Christmas at the Movies Part 2: Purpose
Questions and additional resources for Part 2 of our Christmas at the Movies series.
Christmas at the Movies Part 1: Joy
Questions and additional resources for Part 1 of our Christmas at the Movies series.
Remembrance Sunday
Questions and additional resources for Remembrance Sunday
Questions and reflections from Part 3 of our Bible for Grown Ups series
Questions and reflections from Part 2 of our Bible for Grown Ups series
Talk Summary from our 2019 Gift Day service
Thoughts and reflections from part 3 of our series 'Sing A New Song.'
Thoughts and reflections from part 2 of our series 'Sing A New Song.'
Thoughts and reflections from part 1 of our series 'Sing A New Song.'
Thoughts and reflections from part 5 of our series 'Heroes.'
Talk summary of Part 4 of our Heroes series
Thoughts and reflections from Part 2 of our series 'Heroes'.
Talk summary of Part 2 of our Heroes series
Thoughts and reflections from part 1 of our series 'Heroes.'
Talk Summary of the final part of our Family Matter series
Talk summary for the final part of our Family Matters series.
Talk Summary of Trinity series Part 3 The Name of the Father
Talk Summary of Trinity Part 1: The Name of the Son
Talk Summary of Future Tense series Part 4: The Future is Now
Talk Summary of Future Tense series Part 3: A New Community
Talk Summary of Part 2 of our Future Tense series.
Talk Summary of Future Tense series Part 1: Rich Man Poor Man
Talk Summary of Good Friday talk
Thoughts and Reflections from the second part of our series 'True Grit'
Thoughts and Reflections from the first part of our series 'True Grit'
Part 2 of our Consistency is King series
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'Consistency Is King'
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series 'Responsible Driving'
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'Responsible Driving'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Responsible Driving'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'Responsible Driving'
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series Your Hearts Desire.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series Your Hearts Desire.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series Your Hearts Desire.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series Your Hearts Desire.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our Christmas series.
Thoughts and reflections from our Remembrance Sunday service
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'Growing Me, Growing You'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Growing Me, Growing You'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'Growing Me, Growing You'
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series '2010 Vision'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series '2010 Vision'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series '2010 Vision'
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'What's In A Name'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'What's In A Name'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'What's In A Name'
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series 'Are You Sitting Comfortably'
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series 'Are You Sitting Comfortably'
Thoughts and reflections of the series Are You Sitting Comfortably. Part 3 - The Lost Sheep
Thoughts and reflections of the series Are You Sitting Comfortably. Part 2 Use it or Lose it.
Thoughts and reflections of the series Are You Sitting Comfortably. Part 1 Growing Together
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series 'Acts of Random Kindness'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Acts of Random Kindness'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'Acts of Random Kindness'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Who Cares'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'Who Cares'
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series 'Spirit Power'
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'Spirit Power'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Spirit Power'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'Spirit Power'
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'Reasonable Faith'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Reasonable Faith'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'Reasonable Faith'
Thoughts and reflections from our Easter Sunday service
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series 'Let It Go'
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'Let It Go'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Let It Go'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'Let It Go'
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series 'Family Matters'
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series 'Family Matters'
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'Family Matters'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'Family Matters'
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series 'How To Get What You Really Want'.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'How To Get What You Really Want'.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'How To Get What You Really Want'.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'How To Get What You Really Want'.
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our Christmas series 'Christmas Unplugged'.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our Christmas series 'Christmas Unplugged'.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our Christmas series 'Christmas Unplugged'.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'Make A Difference'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Make A Difference'
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'The Power Of Prayer'
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series 'The Power Of Prayer'
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'The Power Of Prayer'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'The Power Of Prayer'
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series 'You Reap What You Sow'
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'You Reap What You Sow'
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series 'You Reap What You Sow'
Thoughts and reflections from the fifth part of our series God On Your Ipod.
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series God On Your Ipod.
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series God On Your Ipod.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series God On Your Ipod.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series God On Your Ipod.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series God On Your Ipod.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series Pride And Prejudice.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series Pride And Prejudice.
Thoughts and reflections from our Fathers Day Special
Thoughts and reflections from the fifth part of our series Be Rich
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series Be Rich
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series Be Rich
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series Be Rich
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series Be Rich
Thoughts and reflections from our service with the topic 'Invitation'.
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series Way Truth Life
Thoughts and reflections from the fifth part of our series Way Truth Life
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series Way Truth Life
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series Way Truth Life
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series Way Truth Life
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series Way, Truth, Life.
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series Family Matters
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series Family Matters
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Family Matters'.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our new series 'Family Matters'.
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series 'Address The Mess'
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series Address The Mess.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series 'Address The Mess'.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Address The Mess'.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series Address The Mess
Thoughts and reflections from the last part of our Christmas Series
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our Christmas series.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our Christmas series.
Thoughts and reflections from our Remembrance Day services in 2016.
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series get Connected.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series Get Connected.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series Get Connected.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series Get Connected.
Thoughts and reflections from the last part of our series Be Prepared.
Thoughts and reflections from the fifth part of our series Be Prepared
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series be Prepared.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series Be prepared
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'Be Prepared'.
Thoughts and reflections from the fifth part os our Summer series.
Thoughts and reflections from the sixth part of our series 'Summer At The Movies'.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series Be Prepared
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of or series Summer At The Movies.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series Summer at the Movies
Thoughts and Reflections from the second part of our Summer series 'Summer At The Movies'.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our Summer series.
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series 'Walking In His Shoes'
Thoughts and reflections from part 3 of our series 'Walking In His Footsteps'.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series Walking In His Shoes.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our new series 'Walking In His Shoes'.
No service at EBC
Thoughts and reflections from the last part of our series We Are Not Alone
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series We Are Not Alone.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series 'We Are Not Alone'.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our new series In The Meantime
Thoughts and reflections from the last part of our series In The Meantime
Thoughts and reflections from part 5 of our series 'In The Meantime'.
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series In The Meantime.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series In The Meantime.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series In The Meantime.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series In The Meantime.
Thoughts and reflections from the final part of our series Hard Questions, Real Answers.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series hard Questions, Real Answers
Thoughts and reflections from part 2 of our series Hard Questions, Real Answers
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our series Hard Questions, Real Answers
Thoughts and reflections from the last part of our series Defying Gravity
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series Defying Gravity
Thoughts and Reflections from part 2 of our series Defying Gravity.
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our Defying Gravity series
Thoughts and reflections on the last part of our series Inside Out
Thoughts and reflections from the fourth part of our series Inside Out.
Thoughts and reflections from the third part of our series Inside Out.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our series Inside Out
Thoughts and reflections from our new series Inside Out.
Thoughts and reflections from the second part of our Christmas series
Thoughts and reflections from the first part of our Christmas series.
Thoughts and reflections from part 3 of our series 'Building Bigger Hearts'.
Thoughts and reflections from part 2 of our series 'Building Bigger Hearts'.
Thoughts and reflections from our latest series 'Building Bigger Hearts'
Talk summary, questions and reflections from the fourth part of our Winning with People series
Talk summary, questions and reflections from the fourth part of our Winning with People series
Talk summary, questions and reflections from the second part of our Winning with People series
Talk summary, questions and reflections from the second part of our Winning with People series


Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click to see more

Planning your Visit

Chruch Gradient2

I am New 

Welcome from all of us at Easthampstead Baptist Church!

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about us. As you explore our website, we hope that you catch a broader glimpse of what EBC is all about. It's about people - people just like you - who want to embark on a journey to discover more of God and his will for our lives.

What should I expect on a Sunday Morning?

Sometimes going to a church for the first time can be a little daunting. I promise we won't bite! To help ease any uncertainties below are the answers to some common questions people have before attending a Sunday morning.
What do I have to wear?
We are a 'come as you are' sort of people and have no formal dress-code for our Sunday services.
We can assure you that we don't have bouncers on the door vetting your attire!

If you are still not sure, feel free to check out our services on YouTube to have an idea.
What time do I need to be there?
We run two Sunday morning services which start at 9:30am and 11:00am.
On the 4th Sunday of the month we run our All-sorts service which starts at 10:00am.

Check out our other services below!
We would recommend you turn up 10 minutes before the service starts so you have a chance to say hi!
If you have children that need signing in to the children and youth work, they need to be signed in from 10:50am.
There is plenty of parking both out the front and at the back of the building. Just follow the signs!
How safe is my child in your care?
We run separate children and youth work during our 11:00am service, which is run by a group of volunteers who have all been DBS checked.

Children ages 11 and under must be signed in and out by their parent/carer. The youth can sign themselves in and out.

For information about our safeguarding policy click here